OZ PVC Australia
PVC Fencing Blog
Blog about modern PVC Fencing Technology in Australia

June 20, 2022

The Top 5 Things You Should Know Before Buying a PVC Fence
PVC fencing is a popular choice for fencing both front and back yards or re-doing a fence. It is durable and requires little maintenance. Although it does require some extra work at the beginning, it is a permanent, attractive fence that you can rely on. There are some things you should consider before you jump in and begin the installation. Before you buy a vinyl fence, here are the top five things to know.

Planning is essential
Vinyl fences can be installed for a lifetime. You should plan carefully before installing a PVC fence. You should carefully measure your property before the installation. Once it is installed, it is very hard to redo. It is possible that you already know where the fence should be placed, but make sure to draw a diagram and understand better how you want your fence to look like.

Materials are vital
You may think that all vinyl fences are made from the same material. Material name is the same, but the quality and features vary. Some PVC is thicker than others. Some are suitable for mild climates, others are designed for high strength commercial use or extreme conditions.

There are many types
Vinyl fencing offers many advantages. You can choose almost any style and there are various colours available. You can use a design to separate a pool or to give complete privacy to your entire backyard. You can even choose decorative styles if you wish to keep your pets inside.

It is important to understand your local laws
More than just measuring your yard, it is important to consider factors that are specific to your area. Check the guidelines on the allowed height of the fence. Check and confirm the boundaries of your property as violating them will lead to some tough consequences.

Cost vs. Maintenance
Vinyl can be expensive initially so homeowners may be initially hesitant to buy it. However It is easy and cheap to maintain and does not cost more than some water every now and then. Once a year be prepared to do some cleaning. You can do the job with a power wash and a bit of detergent for a better result.

The above list should help you decide if a PVC fence is right for you. Vinyl fencing can be a great choice for your home if you are aware of what to look out for and how to achieve the results you want. The final product can be shaped in many ways. You have the option to choose materials that will withstand harsh weather conditions and keep you private, as well as those that are pet-friendly.

How Long Does a Vinyl Fence Last on Average?
May 21, 2022

It can be difficult to determine the best kind of fence for your home, particularly if you're not sure of which one will last for a long time. Let's examine the qualities of vinyl fences , and then we'll examine the pros and cons of vinyl versus wood.
In case you're trying to keep your children inside or keep alligators out Vinyl could be the best option for you. The days of cheap, thin vinyl are over since the materials, designs, and patterns have been refined. A revolutionary substance has been added to improve toughness and longevity.
What is the length of time a fence made of vinyl lasts? Here are some facts to know about them.

The answer is between 20 and 30 years, although it depends on how you perform the following four steps.

1. Choose a Sensible Location
The life expectancy of vinyl fences is a significant factor with the place you put it. Before making a choice take into consideration the setting that it will be situated in.
Are the grounds uneven or muddy? Do you see a lot of weak trees around and/or are there a lot of forested areas? This could reduce the fence's duration.
The lifespan of vinyl fences can be extended if the area is solid, free of weak trees and fairly low. It is also possible to construct fences on the slope. This is known as "racking" a fence.

2. Install It Properly
When constructing your fence made of vinyl, make careful not to set the posts too close. If you do, the fence will become too rigid. It requires some flexibility in order to withstand the force of powerful winds.
Another method of ensuring it is sturdy enough is to make holes six inches deeper than the recommended depth. This will allow for the gravel to be placed under the posts to give them additional strength. The vinyl fence should be kept free of debris and rocks.
Install corner posts first before the rest, and be aware that gate posts are provided with separate directions. Professional installation can improve fence life span and save you time and money.
You can do it by yourself because it's pretty easy to complete and doesn't require any hardware. This is an absolute benefit in terms of aesthetics since no hardware is exposed. This will not distract from the overall look and no visible corrosion.

3. Maintain and Inspect It Regularly
Simply clean your fence every 3 to 6 months using the garden hose or the power washer. Alternatively, you can make use of warm water and mild soap and the use of a cloth. To remove any mould or bacteria that may be present add a bit of vinegar or bleach to the mixture.
How long will vinyl last when you clean it regularly? If you do this consistently, it will last for about 5-7 years longer than when you didn't wash it in any way.
At least two times a year check it for indications of wear or other maintenance problems that might be apparent. If you find something that requires attention, take action and fix the issue as soon as possible so that it doesn't grow into a bigger problem in the future.

4. Trim Overhanging Branches
Remove any large or medium branches of trees hanging over your fence, as they may fall and cause the fence to be damaged. From all the possible causes of damage to vinyl fences, tree branches falling over the fence is the most destructive.
The fences are tough enough to be a threat to anything other than natural disasters, vehicles crashing through them or a huge animal that is chasing them with lots of determination.

Some F.A.Q. below:

Vinyl vs Wood
The traditional privacy fence made of wood has been overpowered in terms of toughness and durability by modern fencing made of vinyl. Vinyl won't stop a truck from moving and it won't stop the most durable of fences made of wood. Due to the addition of titanium oxide into the formula for vinyl, it is the winner.

What Is Titanium Oxide?
Titanium oxide, with its incredible stability and extremely low toxicity it protects vinyl from sun damage, degrading and yellowing in time. This is why the vinyl fencing material is one of the strongest fencing materials available currently.
Also known as titanium dioxide It could be a sound that you can hear. It's also an active component in sun protection! This means that your fence is built with sun protection right at the gate.

Visual Appeal
There are a variety of gorgeous vinyl fence designs that you can pick from to enhance the appearance of your property. There are many designs available, some of which are almost like wood. Vinyl is also a great option, and you don't need to be concerned about staining or painting.

When you compare the cost of the two options, you'll have to pay extra upfront for vinyl fences, but you'll save on the long-term cost. But this is also not entirely true. No wooden fence will have a sleek look of a PVC fence unless it is very expensive treated timber with multi coat painting job. This instantly makes the PVC fence 2 to 4 times cheaper than the next alternative that satisfies the eye. Leave alone the maintenance costs associated with keeping that fence looking good.
Fences made of wood require more care repair, maintenance, and replacements. If not taken care of, they may often develop dry rot or draw termites.

Fire Safety
Wooden fences could be an ignition hazard if they aren't maintained in a timely manner, but vinyl is extremely difficult to ignite due to its high content of chlorine. It's a self-extinguishing, fire-resistant material. This is one reason why it's so popular in the construction of homes as well.

Temperature Tolerance
You may be wondering "How long will a vinyl fence last in extreme climates?". Contrary to wood (or iron, for that matter) it can endure sudden temperature fluctuations. It won't break in the cold or corrode during hot environments.

Vinyl Fencing Wins for Longevity!

So, how long can the vinyl fence last if you take into account all of these elements? It depends on the location as well as the quality of installation and maintenance (which is easy).

It can last longer than its wood equivalent by many years, or even for decades. An excellently maintained, top-quality fence made of wood will last for around 14 years, whereas a vinyl one can last for 30 years!

Give us a call now and request your no-cost estimate!

May 20, 2022

Wood or Vinyl: The Pros and Cons of Two Great Privacy Fence Materials
Installing a fence around the perimeter of your home is one of the most successful ways to reduce the chance of burglary. In addition to protecting your home, it also creates a clean and elegant look while providing privacy.
Still, many homeowners find themselves torn between purchasing a vinyl or wood fence.
It’s important to do your homework before making your fence purchase. We’ve made it easier for you by taking a closer look at how each material measures up in multiple areas. Read on to learn more about these popular fence materials.

What to Consider When Choosing a Vinyl or Wood Fence
Many homeowners are surprised to find the number of styles and material options they are presented with when shopping for a new fence. For some, the options can be overwhelming. For this reason, it’s best to narrow down what you’re looking for before shopping.
Two of the most widely purchased fence materials in the country are wood and vinyl. Aside from both being popular among homeowners, they are vastly different in practically every area. Here we will break down some of the most important factors to consider when choosing the best fence material for your home.

Upfront Cost
Chances are you have a budget in mind for your upfront cost, meaning the price you will pay for the initial cost of the fence. If not, we highly recommend deciding on one ahead of time.
When determining which material has the lower price tag, vinyl tends to be more cost effective due to its manufacturing process and overall material cost. However, you’ll want to take into consideration the type of wood you’re looking for. Some wood species are more expensive than others, so you’ll want to take this decision into account.

Long-Term Costs
While many homeowners plan for the short term, initial buying cost, few consider how much will be spent on the fence over time. Like other areas of your home, your fences will require a degree of maintenance. If you don’t plan on doing the maintenance yourself (for tasks like stripping, painting, and staining) you’ll have to pay someone else to do it.
You’ll also want to consider the cost of repairs and how often you’ll have to pay to replace the fence. for more information on how these materials measure up in the long run, read on to our “durability” and “lifespan” sections.

The last thing you want is to be stuck with an even larger chore list for maintaining your home. Which is why it’s important to consider how much time you’re willing to invest to keep your fence looking like new.
When it comes to maintenance, vinyl fences win by a landslide. That’s because wood fences need to periodically be sanded, painted and stained to maintain their “like new” look. Wood fences are also more susceptible to the elements, with a tendency to swell after a great deal of rain or moist weather. Which means more repairs will be needed as well.

Choosing to Go Green
For many homeowners, going green and taking care of the environment is important. While most fence materials won’t play a large factor in your electricity costs, you may still favour materials that are better for the planet.
In this aspect, you’ll want to lean towards vinyl since they don’t require the cutting down of trees. However, if you take into account the manufacturing process of vinyl fences, the two are pretty neck and neck when it comes to carbon footprint. You can also choose to go with a more environmentally conscious manufacturer if it’s important to you.

Style and Designs
If you’re like most homeowners, one of the most important factors in your decision is the overall look and feel of your fence. After all, in many cases, the fence around your home is the first thing visitors and guests will notice.
In this area, it depends on what you’re looking for. Wood has a more classic design that many homeowners favour. While vinyl fences were once only available in white, manufacturers are now producing them in a wide variety of colours. It all depends on your preference.

Due to factors like weather, sunlight, and the amount of use you’ll have to periodically replace your fence. The question is how often will you need to pay to have it replaced.
Overall, vinyl tends to last twice as long as wood which means you’ll be making fewer trips to the home improvement store. However, it’s important to note that proper maintenance and care can extend the lifespan of your wooden fence.

Durability and Security
One of the primary functions of your fence is to protect your home, which means they need to be durable and secure. While initially both wood and vinyl serve as strong and secure fence options, over time this may change.
Since wood absorbs water, wooden fences have the tendency to swell and in some cases even rot from the inside out. This will occur only if you are not providing the necessary maintenance and repairs. However, once rotting occurs the strength of the fence will be reduced as will it’s security.

You want your fence to offer ample privacy for both you and your family. Fortunately, both wood and vinyl fences have their own strengths in this area. Since vinyl doesn’t expand or contract, you can rest easy knowing there won’t be any gaps between fences for peering eyes.
Wood also has the ability to blend into its environment, creating almost a camouflage effect that provides privacy for your home. Again, it depends on what you’re looking for and what is most suitable for your homes specific style

Rely On Your Own Taste
When it comes to choosing between a vinyl or wood fence, the most important factor is your own taste and preference. A close second in importance is who you choose to buy your fence from. You want to shop with a company that offers trustworthy service and quality products.
If you’re ready to purchase your new fence or simply want to compare pricing, request your free estimate today to get started.
May 12, 2022
Why PVC Fencing is a new big thing in Australia
PVC has been successfully used in different industries for quite some time, however it has arrived to the fencing industry not very long time ago. Actually the first generations of PVC fencing was not that great and both durability and looks were substandard for hot and cold environments. In the past couple of years PVC production has stepped up a lot and delivered a new and modern PVC Fencing technology that is second to none when it comes to design, quality and maintenance aspects.

OZ PVC has been created to bring the new and affordable fencing technology to Australia and take away one more headache of painting and maintaining the fence from the property owners. As we say here: no paint - no pain.

Our range of styles is set to satisfy absolute majority of clients seeking to make their property look stunning.

We started with selling PVC Fencing in Brisbane, Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast and now offering our services Australia wide. With the manufacturer 30 year warranty, we are certain our customers will feel assured and happy for a long time after the purchase.
Unbeatable looks
OZ PVC Fences are not only recyclable and environmentally friendly structure but also adds a lot of value and taste to any home and property.